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The reading room of the museum library.

Museum library

The library of the LWL Museum is located in the foyer and accessible to everyone free of charge.

Tue. – Fri.: 10 am – 6 pm (Second Friday of every month: 2 pm – 8 pm)
Closed on public holidays.

A large selection of current art magazines, reference works, and artists’ monographs is available in the museum’s library. In addition, visitors have access to museum databases and the Internet, using the museum’s PCs or their own computers with a WLAN connection, and can use a copier with scanning function. However, the physical media must be consulted on site and cannot be borrowed.

The website of the library provides access to more than 145,000 documents. Those in the reserve collection can be consulted in the reading room at short notice if they are not on the restricted list.

The museum’s library has been collecting and cataloguing art literature and media of all kinds in the field of cultural studies since 1908. Particularly noteworthy are the works on Westphalian history and those gathered in the Coin Cabinet and the Diepenbroick Portrait Archive, as well as the extensive collection of periodicals and international exhibition catalogues.

T +49 251 5907-233

Regulations of Use Library